
Silvio Bessone
After an exchange of knowledge, I introduced him to my project on Miele in culla® and the spreadable cream with bee pollen, Peccato di Flora. I presented him with the jar I had brought as a gift. I will never forget the compliment he gave me; he said, 'I've seen many projects and received many collaboration proposals, but it's been years since I felt this enthusiastic.'
Bessone, for those who may not know, is a renowned chef and one of the leading figures in the chocolate world. I felt grateful. A personality like his, a universal man who appreciated my work. He suggested adding chocolate to Miele in culla® to create something unique and different. So, he tasted the honey (a wildflower) and soon chose the cocoa suitable for that wildflower. I tasted it, and an explosion of flavors enveloped me.
I decided to expand my product range by introducing a 'Bessone' line—Miele in culla® with honey and cocoa. A delicacy!

Since then, depending on the type of honey produced—whether it's wildflower, acacia, or another variety—Silvio chooses the cocoa suitable for that particular flavor. Following the success of Miele in culla®, I also suggested creating a spreadable cream with bee pollen.
It was an idea that had been swirling in my head for a long time, a notion I wanted to see come to life. Bee pollen has a taste that not everyone enjoys, but its properties are unique. Why not make it more appealing by making it sweet and spreadable? This way, I could combine a pleasant taste with the beneficial properties of bee pollen—a nourishing breakfast or snack.
He accepted that "madness" as well. I waited many months before Silvio could devote himself to 'Peccato di Flora'- Flora’s Sin. We met again almost a year later to taste what had come out of it. I am not going to tell you, I am too biased: it is a spectacle! It will be up to you, if you decide to try it, to give us your opinion.

Il Pungiglione
"There is no Miele in culla® jar without beeswax." It is obvious. But who to call on for a guaranteed, healthy supply of wax in sufficient quantities to potentially fulfil all the orders? The Miele in culla® was still in the refinement stage when I asked myself this question.
I seized the annual opportunity to attend Apimell (an international beekeeping fair) to meet the renowned cooperative "Il Pungiglione" from Pontremoli. Their stand was crowded, and starting a little conversation seemed like a daunting task. However, I was persistent and I succeeded. I spoke to Stefano, who managed the entire production line of beeswax sheets and wax processing (they receive tons of wax from beekeepers across Italy for transformation into beeswax sheets). I hinted at my project and showed him a prototype of the jar. Stefano was enthusiastic, and so was I.
I began to introduce myself to the entire Il Pungiglione’s family to share my project, all thanks to Stefano, to whom I will always be grateful for introducing me with enthusiasm
In short, it is thanks to their advice and professionalism that I managed to find the right wax, the one that would later pass the tests for food contact materials.
And even more for supporting me and always welcoming me with joy into their village.